What a year (and a half)

Hi friends, how is everyone holding up? It's been as while hasn't it? For me at least. And what a year (and a half?) it has been! I'm sure behind the screen of each of you reading this is a story of worry, uncertainty, maybe even pain and grief. But hopefully, there's also a story... Continue Reading →

Yes, What You’re Doing Does Matter |LL

Friends, I don't know the ins and outs of your life and what you deal with on a daily basis. I don't know if perhaps you're feeling so lost and are trying to find your way in the world. I don't know if perhaps your heart is shattered and it feels like you've crawled a... Continue Reading →

Jesus, Anchor of My Soul

Our identity, our purpose, our strength is in Christ. It's easy to say that, but you quickly find out what you've been placing your security in when crisis hits. When those feeble, temporary foundations come crumbling down. When what you've been pulling your strength from suddenly loses its anchoring. And you'll probably find - in... Continue Reading →

Little Lessons | Waiting

Waiting...isn't that just one of the hardest things? To simply wait, unable to act, unable to control, unable to fix the problem. Wait. There's fear. There's helplessness. There's wondering and worrying. Scenarios cross your mind of what might happen. Anxiety grips your heart as you wonder how you will move forward from here. I'll admit... Continue Reading →

I Wish God Would Just Fix This!

Life - even the life of a Christiam - is not guaranteed to be struggle free. I imagine we all know that, and yet what is our reaction when that hard thing happens? There may come a time in your life where you cannot fathom that everything will be okay. You're overwhelmed. You're afraid. And... Continue Reading →

Wait On The Lord

Though the world may seem hopeless And you can't find your way, Though the darkness engulfs you And it's so hard to pray. . Though the burden you carry Is so heavy and deep, Though your heart pleads for mercy And longs for reprieve. . You have Someone Who loves you Though broken you are,... Continue Reading →

Wishing Doesn’t Bring Change

My heart...it just hurts. So much death. So much strife. Everywhere I look anymore, it seems there is another story. A police officer killed in the line of duty. A child fighting for their life. A family who lost someone to suicide. A little girl who had been kidnapped. . My heart aches! Why?! Why... Continue Reading →

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