Stop! You Are A Hero and This One’s For You

Hi friends, I do hope you're not put off if I tell you this is another reblog! It is one of my posts from the spring, and perhaps it will find a hurting heart today. If that heart is you, please also accept a hug 💗 I've been reading through a lot of blogs, and... Continue Reading →

Could You Handle the Horses?

Let's face it - life can be tough. The coffee pot dies, the cat pukes on the floor, the baby is going through another sleep regression, and, to top it all off, Netflix removes our favorite show from their queue. I know. No one should have to put up with that. But really - have... Continue Reading →

Be You and Live Your Purpose

I just wanted to hop on real quick and share something with you guys. If any of you are sitting there tonight, scrolling through your social media, seeing all these people who are where you want to be (success, family, popularity, fitness, career...), and you're allowing yourself to believe that somehow you're a failure because... Continue Reading →

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